May 2018
16 May 2018Tres canciones sobre poemas de RachelJubilate Chamber ChoirMihaela Cesa Goje, conductorThe Reformed Church on Ulița LupilorSigismund Toduța International FestivalCluj-Napoca
16 May 2018Tres canciones sobre poemas de RachelJubilate Chamber ChoirMihaela Cesa Goje, conductorThe Reformed Church on Ulița LupilorSigismund Toduța International FestivalCluj-Napoca
19 May 2016 Notes from UndergroundChristian Hodrea, baritoneTransylvania Philharmonic Choir – Cornel Groza, directorAntonin Ciolan OrchestraVlad Agachi, conductorPhilharmonic HallSigismund Toduta International FestivalCluj-Napoca, Romania 7 May 2016at 1930 After the Gathering (première)Kathryn Tickell and The SideAlwinton Church Summer ConcertsAlwinton, Northumberland Tickets here